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Fountain pen ink filling instructions

  1. Cartridge insert
  • Insert the cartridge into the section block. Apply a slight pressure until you feel and hear the cartridge click into place.
  • The section block pierces the cartridge, allowing the ink to flow into the feed assembly.
  • Screw the barrel on over the cartridge into the section block.

  1. Convertor insert
  • Insert the open end of the convertor into the section block.
  • Twist or slide the black end of the convertor (plunger) down to the end inserted into the section block.
  • Dip the nib of the fountain pen into the bottled ink so that the nib is submerged slightly above the gripping section.
  • Twist or slide the plunger in the opposite direction to draw ink up into the converter.
  • Remove the nib from the bottled ink and twist or slide the plunger slightly to force three drops of ink back out into the bottle.
  • Twist or slide the plunger back up to the top position to draw a little air into the converter.
  • Screw the barrel on over the converter into the section block.
  • Use a soft cloth to wipe excess ink off the nib and section block.